Rooted in Christ to Love, Grow and Serve – Colossians 2:7

Sunday Worship Services

Every Sunday      9 AM

Fellowship and Coffee following Worship

What to expect during Worship

Whether you are here for the first time, haven’t been here for a long time, or are here ‘all’ the time, our hope is that your experience here will encourage you in faith, love, and service to God our Father, by the power of the Holy Spirit, through Jesus our Savior and Lord.


The following are a few tips to guide you during our worship:

  1. Restroom facilities are located in the hallway to your left as you enter the front doors and in the Martin Luther Room, between the organ and the kitchen.
  2. Baby changing facilities are available in the Martin Luther Room and the bathrooms in the hall. For those with small children, the Martin Luther Room is also equipped with toys, a rocking chair, windows overlooking the sanctuary, and sound controls to follow the service. Make yourself and your little one at home.
  3. Children’s Worship Activity Bags are available on the stand by the welcome table.
  4. Large print worship aids are available from our ushers or at the welcome table.
  5. Wireless hearing assistance is available from our ushers or at the sound booth.
  6. Welcome Cards are located in pews. Feel free to fill them out (front and back) and place in offering plates during offering.
  7. All are invited for refreshments and fellowship in Soderberg Hall following worship.
  8. If you would like someone acknowledged in prayer during worship, make sure you have their consent, and let the pastor know before the service begins.
  9. All are welcome and invited to be part of the team of volunteers who help make Salem worship services happen. Contact the church office for more information.
  10. Salem is a smoke-free property – inside and outside! Thank you for respecting this policy.

Communion Instructions

  1. All are welcome to receive Holy Communion at Salem Lutheran Church.
  2. All bread, wine, and grape juice are gluten free.
  3. Communion is served at the altar railing or by intinction.
  4. Any who are not communing are invited to come forward for a special blessing. Tell the person serving bread you would like a blessing.
  5. If you are not able to come forward for communion, notify one of the ushers and we will bring communion to you.

At the railing: Pick up a pewter cup as you are ushered forward. You are welcome to kneel or stand as you receive the bread and wine/grape juice. Wine will be offered first but if you wish to receive grape juice simply place your hand over your cup to indicate your preference. You are welcome to remain at the railing for as long as you wish. Deposit your used cup in the basket on your way back to your seat.

Intinction: Come forward as ushers indicate and you will receive a piece of bread, which you may dip into either the cup with wine (silver) or the cup with grape juice (ceramic).

Sharing of the Peace

The sharing of the peace is a time during the service when we extend in real and tangible ways (by handshake, hug, elbow or fist bump) the peace we have received from God the Father, through the saving work of Jesus our Lord. For various reasons, sharing the peace may feel awkward or strange, however, this simple act carries profound meaning and may even in some situations, transform and form us into “a communal way of life framed by Christ’s peace.” (Fred Edie, a youth ministry specialist)

Hymnals and Worship Aids

The front of our (red or blue) hymn books contain page numbers referring to certain parts of the worship service. The back section of our hymn books contain hymn numbers referring to specific hymns. There are also Bibles in the pew in which you can read along. Bulletins will be handed out by ushers as you enter the sanctuary and will contain call and response type readings or prayers, page and hymn numbers for specific hymn books, and Bible readings with corresponding page numbers.

Peace Candles

A small votive candle is lit on the altar table during worship services to remind us to pray for peace in our world, our communities, and our lives. Visitors are invited to take a peace candle home, and / or to your home congregation and join us in prayer. Candles are available on the welcome table in the small white gift bags.


If you would like more information about Salem or are interested in learning about membership, associate membership, or being a ‘friend’ of Salem, contact the church office.